Saturday, September 20, 2008

Back to the Blogosphere

Well, I'm trying this out again. I used to have a deadjournal back when I was a whining, emo high-school drop-out, the the thing became a place to rant about how much the world sucked and I rocked. It got old fast and I never could update on time. Now, I a slightly less whiny, computer nerd college student. I am hoping that this blog turns out better. Mainly I just plan to share my vastly varied interests with all of you and maybe make a few new Internet friends.

First up, I want to talk about the glorious thing that is NetFlix. Honestly this is the greatest way to rent movies that I have found, and if you have been on the fence about trying the service, now is the time to leap. It's kinda like have the best video rental place in the world in you mailbox. The selection is hella huge and varied, plus the system is pretty easy. Choose your movies online, get in the mail, watch, send back, and get more movies! I am actually watching more movies for less money then when I was renting from the local Blockbuster, plus I now can get show my wife all the great films that she somehow missed (like who the fuck has not seen Boondock Saints) that Blockbuster never had. And later this year, NetFlix is teaming up with Xbox to make movies available on the Xbox Live service, so with a few simple button presses I will be able to watch my movies, streamed right into my HDTV. Now that is awesome.

Oh, and the new Beefy album (Rolling Doubles) is out now. If you are into Nerdcore Hip Hop I really can not recommend this album enough. If you have heard about Nerdcore and been wonder what all the nerdy kids are talking about, then this is the album to start with. Plus, anyone you has sub come to the glories that is tabletop gaming (be it Dungeons and Dragons or simple Monopoly) needs to hear the song Table Top. I guarantee that it will get stuck in you head for a very long time. And to anyone who thinks that $8 is too much to for a Nerdcore album, think about how much you paid for you last CD or downloads off iTunes. Plus after all the music that Beefy has given away, I really don't think that selling his latest album is so bad. You can also find out more about Beefy at

That's all for today. I've got a exam on Monday to study for and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed to pwn. Speak with you friendly peeps later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey, thanks for the love!